September 2021
Autumn is Here!
Here in the PNW, the fall season brings us crisp leaves, cool air, and that smell... You remember the one; that reminds us of the walk to school, in new shoes with a fresh backpack; and an exciting lunch waiting for us?
We recollect a time when life was simpler, perhaps. A time when changes were exciting, and perhaps easier to make...
As adults, navigating life, we know that for things to change, we need to change. As adults, change is difficult. It can be daunting, and off-putting.
However, as seasons turn, and we enjoy new beginnings and fresh starts, we are often more motivated to make the changes that have been eluding us.
Our health and wellbeing, typically taking a back seat, will get into the front seat and beg for our attention.
'To-Do List'
My September 'to do' list is filled with my wellness goals. Things I want to accomplish before the Holiday Season is upon us. I have several clients, friends and family members that have said the same.
Can we really make the changes we've been talking about over the summer? Can we get to the gym before work, or on the way home? Take a brisk walk after dinner? Can we get the shopping and meal prep done every Sunday for the week ahead? Will we be able to carve out a little time for ourselves? How about our sleep goal of 7 solid hours?
It's on the list, yet we still struggle to make the changes and to get it all done!
5 Stages of Change
So, I recently discovered that there are 5 stages of change
(Prochaska & DiClemente, 1984)
1. Precontemplation
2. Contemplation
4. Action
5. Maintenance
We are first unaware that a change is even needed (Precontemplation= Discomfort). Then when we realize that we need to make a change and we weigh out the pros and cons (Contemplation= Awareness). Eventually, we start thinking about what that change could look like and how we will execute it (Preparation= Mental Energy). Finally, we get into action and begin our new regimen (Action= Physical Energy). Ultimately, if we can sustain the change for at least 6 months, we will have formed a new healthy habit (Maintenance= Permanent Change)!
Full disclosure... making a permanent change is not easy for everyone to do. In fact, research shows (Transtheoretical Model TTM 1984), that people will often jump back and forth between the 5 stages before developing a true habit and making real lasting change.
So make note of where you truly are in the process. That will set you up for success, which will make the biggest impact on your health and wellbeing.
You're Not Alone!
Here's the truth. We are not perfect, but we are not alone. You are not alone. All of us; as adults, as humans; are trying to be better, to make lasting positive changes. We all want to lead healthier happier lives. We all want to be our best selves, for those we love.
Please know that it's ok to reach out. It's good to work alongside others, as you strive to put these changes into play. Connecting with someone who can provide a wellness toolbox full of ideas and strategies can be just what is needed, to get to the 'Action Stage' and beyond.
Have an Awesome Autumn
Cheers to you, and to your good health!
Anne @ ABJWellness